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John Deere Model M Electrical Components


Two views of Delco 1107064 Starter #2 for M or 40, with switch and starter lever. tested and works well, $270


Two views of Delco 1107064 Starter #2 for M or 40. tested and works well, $240

These clips are used on the seam of the gas tank to hold the wiring and the lead for the temp gauge. $4 each

M646T Light bracket with mounting arm, $35

M1498T Rear light bracket woith lamp (may need to be rewired), one broken off bolt in bracket,$35


M1498T Rear light bracket, $15, need broken mounting bolts removed; two available, your choice $10


Mounting bolt set for generator, $10

M generator adjusting strap, $9

So that you can get the correct fan belt from your NAPA dealer

Ring gear, $30

Set Screw and jam nut for starter, $12

Correct original starter rod with missing knob, $10

AM394T Battery base, $45


AM394T Battery base, $35

AM394T Battery tray, missing the sides, $5

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Original switches from non running tractors, appear to be good, but sold as-is, $15, similar to above

Amp gauge, needle moves freely, but not tested, $10

AM352T Relay with mounting plate, not tested, as-is, $10

Holddown clips and bolts for distributor,$10 per set


M/40 distributor, complete, $35

M/40 distributors, missing only the rotor, your choice, $30

M/40 distributors, missing one clip, rotor and caps, $30

M/40 distributor #9, complete,$35

Parts distributor, as-is, $10

Nice distributor cap, $10

Outer cap, $9

Inner cap, $8

These coils came from running tractors, $10, your choice

Used coil with correct mounting bracket, $10