John and Kathy Boehm
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(No, these aren't for sale). Bill Santos took this photo as I and Matt were headed to the Saturday parade at the 2000 Tulare Show. I am on my 1938 JD BWH-40 and Matt is on the 1940 JD H that he restored in his ninth grade Ag Mechanics class.

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Other Items For Sale

Just in- 1937 Unstyled L, very original, $2500

1956 John Deere 420C, immaculate restoration, $5000

Another rare find: Your chance to own the cultivator set that was sold new with John Deere ANH, AWH, BNH, and BWH tractors. Complete AB616 Power Lift Front cultivator and AB677 Heavy Duty Rear Tool Frame.

125 John Deere parts catalogs, as little as $6 each - take a look!

Older implements -Cheap and great for Yard Art and Decoration

Various steel wheels and other front and rear wheels for tractors, also GOOD NEW and USED TIRES