John and Kathy Boehm
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LA/L Implements and Parts

I have parts catalogs/setup instructions for most L/LA implements. Free, just ask!

Planter drive gear, slips on over the rear axle studs, $20


I have some parts available for mowers, email with your needs, I can supply FREE parts catalogs, too.

Z1021H pulley half, $25

Correct original bolt set for two pulley halves: $8

Z1021H pulley half with a well done repair on one of the ears, $10

Z1021H pulley half with one ear broken, $10

Z1137H pulley half, $20. one only

Inner shoe with plate, Z541H casting number, $25

Z6058H Subsole, inner shoe, $15 each

Z8176H Spring (used on AZ2930H Pivot plate), $10

Mower bracket, $5

Brace, $10

Part of frame at mower head, $30 (76 lb.)

Part of frame, $30 (72 lb.)

Part of frame with shaft and pulley, $45 (90 lb.)

Part of frame, $20 (42 lb)


I have one lift assembly available for the L10 (corn) cultivator.

I can also send you a copy of the L10 cultivator parts catalog/set-up instructions, too. There is no literature that I know of for the vegetable cultivator.



Eyelet, $5



Lifting bracket, $10

#647 Beam, $25, 75 lb


Nice original bottom with good point, $45


Miscellaneous parts

This blade is not original, but was mounted using the hitch plates and drawbar from the L/LA plow, $40 (100 pounds)
Don't know exactly what you need? I can supply a copy of the parts catalog.